SBYHN service
School Based Youth Health Nurse Service
Students can book private appointments with our School Based Youth Health Nurse (SBYHN) and talk about a range of health and wellbeing topics.
The school nurse can provide you with advice and support on your health care needs and make referrals to other services.
Topics that the school nurse may help you with include:
•Growth and development
•Smoking, vaping, alcohol, and other drugs
•Feeling sad, worried, or angry
•Healthy eating and exercise
•Personal or family problems
•Relationships and sexuality
The school nurse offers a confidential and voluntary service.
The school nurse will not share information unless you give consent or there is a concern for your safety.
How to make an appointment at school:
To submit a self-referral, please click here to complete the form.
Attend the school nurse office:
Days: Thursdays
Location: Student Access Hub
Email: nurse.albanycreek@health.qld