Albany Creek State High School teachers deliver the Australian Curriculum through the NASOT Pedagogical Framework. Robert Marzano’s New Art and Science of Teaching (NASOT) is a framework of pedagogical delivery made up of ten design questions and 43 embedded elements. We apply these questions and their elements to design activities and lesson segments that maximise learning.
At Albany Creek State High School, our vision is that strong collective efficacy exists across the school stemming from a rich culture of meaningful collaboration and targeted collegial engagement opportunities. We recognise that processes of collegial engagement encourage reflective practice and facilitate formal and informal feedback loops, all of which form the basis of a dynamic systemic process of professional renewal.
Collegial engagement responsive to school and departmental priorities and the AITSL professional standards provides teachers with frequent opportunities for self-reflection leading to professional growth. Collective efficacy has an effect size of 1.57 and is the number one influence on student achievement. Opportunities for staff to collaborate and engage as colleagues promotes and results in collective efficacy.